
6 Engineering Youtube Channels We Love

In my previous post, How to Teach Your Kids Engineering, I presented 5 keys to engaging your children in engineering at an early age. One of these keys is to Seek Out Inspiration. Today I’ll share one of our families favorite sources of inspiration – Inspiring Engineering Youtube Channels.

I will continue to add to this list as we discover new channels. Do you know of any inspiring engineering Youtube channels that you love to share with your kids or students? Let us know because we’re always looking for new inspiration.

Smarter Every Day

Smarter Every Day is a very popular educational Youtube Channel from mechanical engineer Destin Sandin who hosts and narrates each episode. Episodes cover a wide array of topics mainly focused on scientific discovery. We especially love the videos where he uses an ultra high speed camera to capture events in extraordinary detail.

1- The Backwards Brain Bicycle

2- How to Escape from a Car Window


Brusspup is a fascinating Youtube channel that combines science, illusion, and cinematography to create amazing videos. Not all videos relate directly to engineering, but many do like the examples below.

1 – 10 Amazing Science Tricks Using Liquid

2- Amazing Water and Sound Experiment #2


Veritasium is a channel from engineering physicist Darek Muller and is a wonderful source of videos featuring science experiments, demos, and interviews.

1- Surprising Applications of the Magnus Effect

2- World’s Roundest Object!


When it comes to pure engineering educational videos that are fun to watch, engineerguy has a unique skillset. The posts are not too frequent, but they are of great educational quality.

1- How a Microwave Oven Works

2- The Ingenious Design of the Aluminum Beverage Can


producttank is a channel about product design. It is a different but very important view of engineering since engineering and design can often not be separated.

1- DIY gopro camera stabilizer for free

2- Prototypes and Model Making


The videos below are some of my favorite Youtube videos period. This is a channel by the musical group Wintergaten, but the How it Works video is so absorbing to watch. For me, this is right up there with OK Go’s Needing/Getting as a great example of mixing engineering with art.

1- Marble Machine (music instrument using 2000 marbles)

2- How it Works – Part 1 (Wintergaten Marble Machine)

I hope you enjoy these videos and visit these channels. Let us know if you think there are other great examples we should add!

Don’t forget to check out our Videos page for videos from the Teach Kids Engineering Youtube channel.



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2 thoughts on “6 Engineering Youtube Channels We Love

  • Great round up! I hadn’t heard of a lot of these.

    • Thanks Ellie! We’re always looking for new inspiration so if you come across any other channels we should add to the list let us know!

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